Українська діаспора в ЧР/світ

Світовий конгрес українців

Христос Воскрес! Воістину Воскрес!

Ірина Ващук, Торонто, Канада

ОБІЖНИК СКУ № 1 (173) – Cічень 2018 р.


Чолій привітав Папу Франциска від української діаспори

- подякував Папі Римському за молитви за Україну та за гуманітарну допомогу українському народу

Канадська діаспора заснувала фонд допомоги ветеранам ATO

Оскільки Росія продовжує вести війну проти України, ми зобов’язані підтримувати українських захисників.

Українці та кримські татари Лондона провели благодійний забіг

на 5 км з нагоди відзначення Дня Гідності та Свободи.

Чолій зустрівся з українською діаспорою Румунії

Про це повідомляє прес-служба СУР.

У Франції відкриють музей Анни Київської

Музей Анни Ярославни відкриють у передмісті Парижа – в містечку Санлісі.

East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies

East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies is an open access, scholarly, peer-reviewed, online journal, based at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, under the editorship of Professor Oleh S. Ilnytzkyj (Department of Modern Lan

75th anniversary of the Act proclaiming the Restoration of the Ukrainian State on 30 June 1941

Ukrainian World Congress calls to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Act proclaiming the Restoration of the Ukrainian State on 30 June 1941

30th anniversary of the Chornobyl nuclear disaster

On the 30th anniversary of the Chornobyl nuclear disaster, the UWC and UICR pays tribute to the heroic emergency responders and all of the victims of this tragedy.

Gross violations by Russian governing authorities of the human rights of Ukr. and Crimean Tatars...

Ukrainian World Congress President meets in The Hague with OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities

Czech Republic targets skilled Ukrainian labour

I spoke to Bohdan Rajčinec of the non-governmental organisation Ukrainian Initiative, asking what was needed for the plan to be a success.

Ukrainian World Congress President meets President of Ukraine

On 27 September 2015, the preeminent think tank in the sphere of international affairs, the Atlantic Council, hosted a dinner in New York in honour of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.

Ukrainian World Congress President Eugene Czolij listed in The Best Lawyers in Canada 2016 publicati

Since 2012 Eugene Czolij has been annually selected for listing in Best Lawyers, one of the oldest and most respected publications in the legal profession.

UWC calls for further sanctions against the Russian Federation

including the blocking of access to the SWIFT financial transaction system, in a letter issued to High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission Federica Mogherini.

Ukrainian World Congress calls on U.S. President

to urgently provide Ukraine with defensive military aid for the protection of its civilians from continuous terrorist acts

Eugene Czolij discusses support for Ukraine during Berlin visit

Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) President Eugene Czolij held a series of meetings in Berlin, specifically with Members of the Bundestag (German Parliament) and other high-ranking German officials to whom he appealed for continued support for Ukraine in de

Ukrainian World Congress condemns desecration of Stepan Bandera gravesite in Munich

The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) condemns the desecration of the monument at the gravesite of Stepan Bandera in Munich, Germany, the leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists assassinated in 1959 by a Soviet KGB agent.


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